Welcome to the Committee on Transportation

A portrait photo of Wilson (Chair)
Assembly Member Lori D. Wilson Assembly District 11 Chair of the Transportation Committee
A portrait photo of Davies (Vice Chair)
Assembly Member Laurie Davies Assembly District 74 Vice Chair of the Transportation Committee
For information on how to submit a position letter please see the  
Advocacy Quick Reference Guide
Submit Position Letter

Committee jurisdiction includes California High-Speed Rail Authority, California Highway Patrol, California Transportation Commission, Department of Motor Vehicles, Department of Transportation (Caltrans), driver’s licenses, freight, regional transportation agencies, transit authorities, intercity rail, mobile sources of air pollution, fuels, rules of the road, state highways, local streets and roads, vehicles, aircraft, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and vessels.

Assembly Transportation is located in the Legislative Office Building at 1020 N Street--Room 112.  You may reach us at (916) 319-2093.

  • All letters of support and opposition are required to be submitted through the position letter portal by noon---seven days prior to the bill's hearing date.
  • Amendments are due no later than 12 p.m.--six business days prior to the bill's hearing date.
  • All testimony must be in-person.
  • The Committee meets on Mondays at 2:30 p.m. (or upon adjournment of session should it go late) at 1021 O Street, RM 1100 unless otherwise noted in the Daily File.
  • Assembly Transportation will hear bills in file order.

We encourage the public to provide written testimony before the hearing by visiting https://calegislation.lc.ca.gov/Advocates/. Please note that any written testimony submitted to the committee is considered public comment and may be read into the record or reprinted.

Procedures put in place to accommodate the pandemic restrictions have been reverted back to pre-pandemic practices. Teleconference testimony during committee hearings will no longer be available.

Committee Information

Committee Room

Assembly Transportation Committee
1020 N Street, Suite 112
Sacramento, CA 95814
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